Whether eagerly looking forward to rolling back the clock or wanting things to simply stay the same, most people have some pretty strong feelings regarding daylight saving time. Regardless of one’s feelings, adjusting to the sun suddenly rising at a different time in the morning…
Construction site falls are not rare events. Unfortunately, such accidents are almost always preventable, but they often end in tragedy. North Carolina workers who operate at great heights may understand the risk, and there are simple precautions they can take to avoid serious injury in…
Going to work should not be scary, but for many people this is a near daily reality. This can be even more distressing when employers downplay just how dangerous their workplaces really are. Unfortunately, Amazon workers in North Carolina might already be all too familiar…
If you suffered an injury at work, it could affect more than just your income. In addition to needing time off, you may need medical support and help getting back to work. Your recovery can be lengthy and costly, and it can be difficult to…
The Sumwalt Group Workers’ Compensation and Trial Lawyers is pleased to announce that Vernon Sumwalt has been included in the 2021 Edition of the Best Lawyers in America in the field of Workers’ Compensation Law–Claimants. Lawyers included in The Best Lawyers in America are grouped…
The bottom line. We all care about it. Prosecuting workers’ compensation and personal injury claims comes with a cost. The cost it takes to try a case, the cost of appeals, the cost of getting and storing medical records and other papers necessary to move…
On August 14, 2020, the Supreme Court of North Carolina filed its decision in Walker v. K&W Cafeterias, Inc. (No. 99PA19-1), which eliminated a North Carolina workers’ compensation lien from the settlement of a South Carolina Wrongful Death lawsuit. North Carolina workers’ compensation laws provide…
On July 30, 2020, the Wall Street Journal published an article about employees (and their families) filing lawsuits against their employers for COVID-19 exposures. The article is at https://apple.news/AqZPQlaT6SQaw3tYrXqDcYA. This article is curious and likely misleading. As a general rule, workers’ compensation laws shield businesses…